Monday 9 January 2012

Writing a novel

My dream is to become an author. Several people have the same dream as me; I have read several web pages written by authors and others hoping to be authors and I get the same vibe from all of them. 'Writing is not easy'. I am currently in the process of writing a novel and thoroughly enjoying it; although this is the enjoyable part you have spent a year or more on what if you can't get your piece published? Start again? I feel this is where mass motivation is lost.

If this is your dilemma I advise you to carry on writing and never give up, if you are passionate about writing and willing to experience the lows along with the highs you will eventually achieve your goals!

January Exams

My January exams are fast approaching, I've got 3 Physics exams, 2 Biology exams and 1 Maths exam. I've done endless amount of revision and really hope it pays off!!! I feel really bogged down with revision at the moment, although when they are finished I can lose myself in writing my novel. I wish everyone who is sitting January exams the best of luck!

Sunday 8 January 2012

What does the future hold for us as a world?

I read in the paper today that the economy in 2012 will not improve. For me being 17, nearly 18 and looking to start work after school I am not filled with ease that I will get a job; in fact I am quite the opposite. Luckily I work in my local supermarket so will not be out of work, however I can't see myself working there for the rest of my life and feel I am capable of more. I know I am not alone here;  there will be a rise in unemployment rates as several people my age will not go to university as they cannot afford the fees and cannot get jobs. This will cause a backlog of young people out of work.

The youth of Britain is often stereo typed into people believing that we have no intentions of working and would rather receive government benefits. I don't believe this is the case as many people have aspirations of particular jobs but cannot get where they would like to be.

However, who's is to blame? Everyone is pointing at each other. Some young people are saying the government shouldn't have raised university fees and made certain cuts, but the government are making cuts to save money and aid the national debt. Why don't we work together instead of fighting against each other?

Amongst every social ranking there is currently frustration, this is because we want times to become better for us to live in. So if we all have the same goal why is there all this frustration? Maybe if people learnt to listen to what others have to say and taking in opinions instead of thinking they are always correct we wouldn't be in this state in the first place.

Unfortunately I do not hold the answer to these questions, all I know is that we are all human beings and we all deserve to have our voice and opinion heard; so why doesn't the country and world unite to face the challenges that are ahead?

I know it will never happen but if people helped each other out and listened to what others have to say the world would be a much better place to live in; but nothing is ever perfect I guess.

Friday 6 January 2012

Why does life seem to go faster as you get older?

This is a question I'm sure has been asked several times; although today I found out the answer to it.

The reason a year goes faster the further into your life you are is that one year is a smaller proportion of your life. For example a baby of 2 years old, 1 year is half of their life so it appears to go slowly. However if you are 70 a year is a seventieth of your life so one year is a smaller proportion of your life which is why it may seem to go faster. It's all a bit physiological to be honest but it makes sense I guess...


Thursday 5 January 2012


This year I've decided to set myself this goal: Apply myself fully in order to achieve my goals.

By applying myself I mean to refrain from being half-hearted in challenges I engage in. I am not going to lie, sometimes I feel as if I don't have much direction in life; almost as if I am in the middle of a field and have no idea where my heart is or where my dreams/goals lie. As if I'm lost. I think this is fairly common for teenagers these days, we want to do certain things but have no idea of how to achieve them. If you have a dream; if your passionate about something  just do everything you can to achieve it. (If there is a will there is a way)! Never give up and most importantly never let others judgement get you down. If someone thinks your 'uncool' because you want to do something; remind yourself that they are jealous of your happiness and courageousness of committing to something your interested in. From my point of view this is how many young people feel today, we are so focused on our appearance and how we come across in a social aspect that everything else seems to go out the window.

Just because your friends do not tell you that sometimes they feel lonely or lost doesn't mean that they aren't. No matter how old you are you will lay in bed some nights and feel like there is no one else around you for millions of miles. This is what makes us stronger.

My message for 2012 is to excel in everything you do. Never give up when it comes to your dreams.

The most important thing of all: Sometimes you may feel lonely; but remember you are never alone.

Make 2012 the greatest year of your life and never give up on your dreams.....

My Story

I am currently trying to write a novel whilst dealing with the stresses of studying A-levels. I really wish I had more time to write as it helps me vent a lot of emotions that life can throw at you. I am determined to one day get my novel published. I won't give the plot away but it entails all the emotions that we as human beings go through.

Getting people to read my blog would be amazing, I think everyone likes to be heard and appreciated from time to time. So spread the word!

I wish you all a fabulous 2012 and hope to hear from you soon.

New kid on the block

I thought I'd start a blog today; I've been thinking about it for a while and finally got round to it in the end.